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What is a Triad

Triad is the agreement of law enforcement agencies (sheriff's office, police departments, etc.) and older or active/retired persons working together to reduce the criminal victimization of citizens and enhance the delivery of law enforcement services to the population.  It provides an opportunity for the exchange of information between law enforcement and citizens.  It focuses on reducing unwarranted fear of crime involving the quality of life for seniors.  A senior advisory council/committee governs Triad tailored to meet the needs of each town/city/county. 

Another simple definition - The Right Information And Direction = TRIAD

The Kerrville Triad

The Kerrville Triad is a member of the National Association of Triads Inc. and is known as Seniors And Law (Enforcement) Together [S.A.L.T.) Committee of the Kerr County Kerrville Triad.

Why is a Triad necessary?

Older Americans comprise the most rapidly growing segment of the population.  Increased life expectancy is leading to new issues and problems for the criminal justice system as most communities experience a dramatic increase in the number of older persons.  Calls for service, crimes, and victims - all are changing (and increasing).

Purpose of the Kerrville Triad SALT Committee

The purpose of the Kerrville S.A.L.T. Committee shall be to further the goals and objectives of the Triad to reduce the criminal victimization of older persons, as well as educate, assist, and communicate to develop and implement community-wide information.